About Vina Nguyen

From Cybersecurity Engineer to Writer

You want better pages, better content. Ultimately, you want people to get it. If you want a writer who speaks code, who thinks tech, who’s been on the other side—I can help.

As a former computer scientist, I spent over 10 years doing fun things like software development, reverse engineering, and data science. My languages of choice were x86 and Python. I dabbled in user experience and people management, and now I write, trading Stack Overflow for Merriam-Webster as my new best friend.

Explain like I’m five. Ok, maybe twenty-five. My favorite task is to simplify the complex. I’ll talk to your PhDs to learn what you do, so your audience—your customer—won’t need to. Let me help you bridge that gap; I’ll take them from questions of confusion to questions of curiosity.

If you like what you read, I’d love to meet! Let’s make something happen.